Category No. of Shares held Percentage of shareholding
A Promoter’s holding 1 Promoter’s 1.1 Indian Promoters 25,03,257 50.06
1.2 Foreign Promoters
2 Persons acting in concert
3 Sub Total (1.1 + 1.2) 25,03,257 50.06
B Non-Promoter’s holding 4 Institutional Investors 4.1 Mutual Funds and UTI
4.2 Banks, Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies (Central/State Govt. Institutions/Non-Govt. Institutions)
4.3 FIIS
4.4 Sub Total (4.1 to 4.3)
5 Others 5.1 Private Corporate Bodies 1,27,272 2.55
5.2 Indian Public 20,98,977 41.98
5.3 NRI/OBCs 1,51,157 3.02
5.4 HUF 1,10,072 2.20
5.5 Trust & Foundations
5.6 Any other (Please specify) Govt. (IEPF) 9,265 0.19
5.7 Sub Total (5.1 to 5.6) 24,96,743 49.94
C GRAND TOTAL (A3 + B4.4 + B5.7) 50,00,000 100.00